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All Hands on Deck and Engaged

Uniquely combining the collective wisdom of every employee with leadership to answer questions, the all-hands is the engine of organizational communications and culture.

Crowdsource the genius of your people with highly interactive All-Hands Meetings

Centuries ago, sailors hewed to the idea that, on a ship, you used one hand for yourself and one hand for the ship. A “hand” gradually came to refer not just to the hands of the sailors doing the work, but to the sailors themselves. “Shout,” someone might call out, “and we will send another hand” – that is, another sailor.

When someone shouts “All hands on deck!”, it means everyone is needed, and there are crucial communications from the captain and other leaders to the crew. But the all-hands also lets the crew, or staff, ask questions of the leadership. Modern business uses the all-hands meeting in much the same way: for efficient, critical communications between leaders and team members.

The all-hands is arguably the second-most important meeting you can have, after your leadership meeting.

Why are All-Hands Meetings so Uniquely Powerful?

  • Keep stakeholders well informed
  • Keep everyone strategically aligned
  • Respect workers by listening and being transparent
  • Collaborate and innovate better as a group
  • Cultivate a sense of belonging and camaraderie
  • Connect, engage, and respect remote workers

All-hands meetings are made up of two interdependent groups playing out important functions:

Leaders who have information to communicate efficiently and effectively.
A diversity of people who are closest to the work and the customer. They collectively have more insightful questions, ideas, and opinions than the leaders alone.

MeetingPulse helps share your agenda

While leaders may wish to communicate many different types of information in an all-hands, some items on the agenda remain consistent:

• Changes to company strategy and goals
• Critical milestones and metrics
• Upcoming products or events
• New hires
• Successes and employee recognition, or what went well and why
• What went wrong and how to adjust
• Q&A session

MeetingPulse offers a uniquely comprehensive suite of solutions for the key goals of your All-Hands meetings.

The All-Hands Meeting: Key Goals and Solutions