Need to join a meeting?

Measure knowledge with our live quizzing platform

Prove that your audience is learning

Enhance group meetings and test your audience’s understanding with live quizzing, competitions, and leaderboards. Great for training and getting immediate feedback, as well as building in retention of information. Perfect for compliance and training requirements, as well as sales kick-offs.

Top Features in MeetingPulse Live Quizzes

• Three different quiz types
• Leaderboards for winners / individual and group
• Automatic entries into raffle on completion of 100% quizzes

Quiz Types

Attendees can select only one response choice for the Poll question.

Attendees can select one or more response choices for the Poll question.

 Attendees attendees can select a rating from the interval you choose.

Attendees can enter a single integer as a response.

Attendees can enter a single integer as a response.

Comprehensive Language Management Across All Meetings in a single MeetingPulse Account

MeetingPulse’s platform supports a wide range of language options, and with the addition of automated translation, the platform is now fully equipped to support regional and international events without language constraints. This will greatly benefit multinational corporations, global non-profits, and international educational institutions looking to foster better communication and interaction among diverse participants when you need to run online meeting polls for an international audience.  This not only enhances the user experience but also significantly improves the response rates and accuracy of the data collected.

NEW! Translate Your Polls and More with One Click

The new MeetingPulse Language Selector functionality now includes the ability for organizers using the audience response modules like live audience polling, forms, quizzes and more to translate the content features 10 commonly requested languages and allows organizers to translate the content into the same 10 languages with one click.  The button instantly displays all live poll questions, form questions, quiz questions, etc. into the 10 languages included in the language selector.  So, in addition to seeing all instructions in their preferred language, participants will now see the content translated to their preferred language as well.

Activate your hybrid workforce with an integrative platform:

Audience Participation for Zoom Meetings
Webex Audience Response Software
Microsoft 365 Teams Audience Participation & Response
Vimeo Audience Response Tool
YouTube audience participation software