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MeetingPulse launches first wearable meeting technology


New integration allows for at-a-glance live audience engagement.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA‚ May 19, 2015MeetingPulse has introduced the first ever meeting software integration with wearable technology, currently including the Pebble smartwatch and soon to be including Apple Watch.

Related: 5 Things Pebble Is Doing Right

With this technology, meeting organizers now can collect questions, run polls, and get a live pulse of what’s happening in real time simply by glancing at their watch, or even without looking down.

The watch’s tactile feedback allows presenters to literally feel their audience, and get real-time feedback without having to disrupt their flow during both in-person and online meetings. The key to a good live presentation is for speakers to check the pulse of their audience and adjust accordingly.

“We’re just taking it to the next level, giving real-time, data-based knowledge about what the audience is thinking to presenters and leaders,” said Peter Green, Chief Creative Officer at MeetingPulse. Making it wearable allows speakers to access that information, seamlessly.

The MeetingPulse suite of web-based audience engagement tools collects data in real-time from audience members who have any device or computer that can connect to the Web. The suite is platform agnostic, working with Android, iOS, and other platforms, and does not need an application download.

MeetingPulse can be used to collect questions from individual audience members and allows the audience as a group to vote on which questions they would most like answered first, to poll audiences live, and to gather a real-time pulse from the audience which allows members to give feedback on how the meeting, conference, or presentation is going – and for the organizer to adjust accordingly.

This tool has been adopted at large enterprises such as top global investment management firms, and results in better audience engagement, shorter meeting times, more productive meetings, and painless conference calls which stay on-point.

Get started with MeetingPulse today!

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