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Browser-Based Live Audience Software for Presentations and Events

The days of the old-fashioned slide show are over, having made way for more interactive experiences that captivate and engage meeting attendees.

Live audience software enables presenters to get the audience involved by encouraging them to participate in an active conversation. This approach prevents presentations from feeling like a one-way street.

Not all live audience solutions are equal. Method-of-access is a primary factor when it comes to choosing the best software for one’s needs. Audience engagement software can be accessed directly through a browser — or via a downloadable application.

Browser based audience participation & response tools for presentations have an important edge over downloads for a number of reasons.

What is browser-based live audience software?

With modern web standards such as HTML5 and Javascript, many of the advanced functions that were once limited to mobile apps can now be easily accessed without the burden of a download.

These in-browser solutions allow for real-time interaction with audiences at meetings, conferences, and academic events. Audience members are invited to use their mobile device or laptop to respond to topics according to the guidance of a presenter or panel.

This technology can be used to as a tool to conduct Q&A sessions, gather poll results, play ice-breaker games, or facilitate other interactive group activities.

Browser-based live audience software allows users to access the interface from any online computer or mobile device. The software is not installed locally, so there’s nothing to download or maintain.

Audience adoption rates are increased if users aren’t required to take the extra step of downloading a specialized app to their phone.

How does live audience software work?

On the presenter’s end, the user accesses the browser-based application to create and organize interactive material geared toward audience participation.

The presenter then sends group members a link that will allow them to participate in the meeting. Then, audience members simply click to join in.

Content delivery can be customized in order to reach participants before a meeting begins, during a presentation, or afterwards to gain feedback.

What options are offered by MeetingPulse live audience software?

  • Questions Generation: Presenters can opt for a multiple choice or open-ended reply format, depending on the type of response they desire.
  • Polls & Surveys: Presenters can prepare polling questions and surveys that are geared to gather feedback from audience members. The resulting data is made available to the crowd in real time so that everyone present benefits.
  • Measuring Sentiment: Live audience software has the ability to ask how the crowd is experiencing the content. Do they understand it? Are they bored? This lets presenters check up on the audience’s collective mood as different topics are presented.
  • Raffles: Most people love giveaways. Presenters have the option to use browser-mediated raffles in order to further engage an audience.

From the user’s perspective, live audience software is fairly intuitive. A presenter’s content is seamlessly delivered to an individual’s smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Because MeetingPulse is browser-based, no download is required for an audience to access shared material. Attendees simply click to respond to a survey or poll.

The software is real-time, which allows for direct engagement and communication among all members of an audience. The presenter, meanwhile, receives immediate feedback from their audience.

In a world where live audience software is essential for engagement, browser-based software presents a significant advantage. Solutions that offer user-friendly tools help speakers to more deeply interact with the audience, while enabling them to remain focused on the delivery of their presentation.

MeetingPulse is a live audience solution that runs in any browser, so there’s nothing to download and no extra hardware is needed. Audience members participate on their mobile device via a short link provided by the facilitator, thus eliminating the need to pass out and retrieve clickers.

MeetingPulse technology was developed with simplicity in mind, thus it offers an array of customizable options available to fit your presentation needs.

Please contact us for more information or sign up to receive blog updates, along with our informative eBook.

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