Do you need to quickly create a live poll for a meeting or event? We make poll creation a snap. If you’re already a user or if you’ve signed up for our free trial via the page below, you can have a live poll up and running in a matter of seconds!

To create a quick live poll, simply sign in and create a new meeting. Our meeting for this demo is called “researchgroup.”

A screen will come up that offers a few choices. Click on ‘Polls.’

Use the toggle switches below to customize your poll settings, if desired. Then click on ‘Create New Poll.’

Choose the type of live poll you prefer and when you want it to run. We chose a ‘Single Answer’ poll to run ‘In-meeting’ rather than before or after.

Enter the poll question at the top. Then enter the answer options that will be available to your audience.

Once you save your poll you will see it in your polls settings for the meeting in question.

Next, share your meeting link with your audience. They simply open it in their browsers to participate in the live poll.

Lastly, navigate to polls and run your live poll! This entire process can happen in 25 seconds. If you’d like to see more details on the process of setting up a free trial or if you’d like to see how audience members actually take part in polls, check out the expanded version of this post.

It’s that easy! Now you know how to create a quick live poll using our browser-based software.
The MeetingPulse trial provides free access to create and run polls, surveys, pulses, raffles, and Q&A sessions. Thanks to our simple browser-based software, anyone can have new polls up and running in no time.
At MeetingPulse, we provide real-time survey and polling software that runs in any browser, so you’ll never need to download an app. Anyone can easily participate using their mobile device or computer via a short link.
MeetingPulse technology was developed with simplicity in mind and offers a wide array of customizable options to fit your interactive meeting needs.
Please contact us for more information about our polling software features or click on ‘Keep Me Posted’ on our blog page to receive blog updates and our free e-book.